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Interra Development was founded in 2005 by Eric Mclellan and Florian Nanz upon the dissolution of Silo Real Estate Inc.  Silo in turn was founded in 2000 in association with a German company called Nanz Gruppe to develop properties in Saint-Sauveur, Québec, which Mr. Nanz had purchased in 1970.  The Nanz Group is a family owned business that conducts its principal business in Germany.  The connection between Silos and Nanz resulted from a strong family and friendship history, which has been passed on to the next generation. 

Originally, the Nanz family owned an impressive number of supermarket chain stores in Germany.  After selling the franchise to Edeka Group for an estimated 300 million euros in 1992, the family has concentrated on commercial real estate development and management across the world, private equity investments with global well known funds and rehabilitation centers (Nanz-Medico-Gruppe) in Germany.  The Nanz Group net worth as of 2017 is approximately 500 million euros (see addendum for more information on Helmut Nanz).

Since 2005 Interra Development, in continued collaboration with Nanz Gruppe, has proceeded with the development of both commercial and residential projects located mostly north of Montreal.  These projects have established their reputation for planning, building and managing high quality investments.

They have participated in the realisation of several real estate ventures, which include three commercial projects having IGA supermarkets as the anchor tenants.  In the last five years, Interra Development has developed in excess of 30 million dollars of real estate and continues to grow.

In conclusion, Interra Development and the Nanz Group use their expertise and their creativity to develop quality projects which will stand the test of time and leave a heritage for future generations.